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The coolest feature on Studymaniac!

Your students can create, edit and deactivate materials in your course together!


We believe in collaborative learning. Someone who just understood a topic might be able to explain it even better than the teacher. Students can share videos that helped them, come up with tasks together for practising and so much more!

Let's revolutionize the future of learning (and teaching) together 🚀


Every change can be manually reverted by you, so you do not have to worry that someone "destroys" your course


Create new material

Students can create material directly in your course using our editors, by clicking on the 'Create Material 🚀' button.

#Create Material Button Example

After they are finished, they can submit their version as a suggestion in the course. Depending on the size of the course at least 3 other students have to accept/reject the suggestion (you as the admin can instantly accept or reject a suggestion with your vote) to make it count.

Edit existing material

Similar to Wikipedia, students can click on 'Edit' every time they see a material.

Some materials are uneditable like Youtube videos, uploaded videos and uploaded PDFs

Then the respective editor opens and students can edit your material.


All materials on Studymaniac are versioned. You should never lose your version of the document. If a change is accepted, it will become the newest version of your material.

In the vote, all students can inspect the material and compare it to its currently active version. This means that a vote does not end automatically, if you update your material in the mean time.


The comparison is inspired by Merge Requests from Git (a version control system used in Software Development)

Remove material

When a student dislikes a material, he/she is prompted to 'edit the material' or 'suggest deletion'. If 'suggest deletion' is a clicked, a new poll will start and if enough students agree that the material should be deleted, it will be deactivated from the course.

You can reactivate and edit the material at any time even if it was deleted before.